One Kai Tak I


Building Rent Buy
Blk 8 0 0
Blk 9 0 0
Blk 10 0 0
Blk 11 0 0
Blk 12 0 0
Blk 15 0 0
Blk 16 0 0
Tower 3 2 0
Tower 5 0 0
Building Rent Buy
Blk 1 0 0
Blk 2 0 0
Blk 3 0 0
Blk 5 0 0
Blk 6 0 0
Blk 7 0 0
Tower 1 0 0
Tower 2 0 0

Nearest public facilities (Distance | Walking Time)

MTR Station
210m | 3 min
330m | 4 min
250m | 3 min

Population Census (2021)

Gender Comparison in Kowloon City District

Gender Population Percentage
Female 231,116 56.3 %
Male 179,518 43.7 %
Data source: Population Census (2021) provided by the Government of Hong Kong SAR DATA.GOV.HK. and the terms of service Read Terms of Service.